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Helen’s Guide to Overcome Severe Shyness

Helen’s Guide to Overcome Severe Shyness
by Helen Rivas-Rose


Anxious and extraverted: Study finds many people with social anxiety don't fit the “shy”

Naomi Osaka opens up about struggle with shyness

Addressing the Stigma that Surrounds Addiction
Scientific American

The Loneliness of the "Social Distancer" Triggers Brain Cravings Akin to Hunger
Scientific American

How Do I Stop People From Calling My Son "Shy?"

Loneliness: 5 things you may not know

An Adult’s Guide to Social Skills, for Those Who Were Never Taught
New York Times

The Coalition to End Social Isolation and Loneliness
Member Organizations

Ending Loneliness and Social Isolation
The Tamarack Institute

Social isolation: It could kill you
American Psychological Assocation

When Vermonters Struggle with Social Isolation
The Deeper Dig

Our View: Loneliness a year-round problem for many seniors
Portland Press Herald

Let's Wage a War on Loneliness
New York Times Opinion, Nicholas Kristof

Why You Should Find Time to Be Alone With Yourself
New York Times

Breaking free
by Faith Gilman, Staff writer (June 2017), The Village ( p 30-31, 33

For 79 years, this groundbreaking Harvard study has searched for the key to happiness. Should it keep going?
by Colby Itkowitz (April 17, 2017), The Washington Post

The Birth of a Self: Overcoming Shyness
published online  by Helen Rivas-Rose (April 10, 2017), GoodTherapy,org

Not Leadership Material? Good. The World Needs Followers.
by Susan Cain (March 24, 2017), The New York Times

US psychologists claim social media ‘increase loneliness’
published online (March 5, 2017), BBC: newsbeat

Anxiety and Equality
by Reverend Andrea Abbott, A sermon delivered in San Miguel de Allende (March 2017)

Brain tests predict children’s futures
by (December 12, 2016),

How Social Isolation Is Killing Us
by Dhruv Khullar (December 22, 2016), The New York Times

Socially Isolated Children: 20 Years Later: Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
by Caspi A, Harrington H, Moffitt TE, Milne BJ, Poulton R. Socially Isolated Children 20 Years Later: Risk of Cardiovascular Disease. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2006;160(8):805-811. doi:10.1001/archpedi.160.8.805

Dalai Lama: Behind Our Anxiety, the Fear of Being Unneeded
by The Dalai Lama and Arthur C. Brooks (November 11, 2016), The New York Times

There has never been a better time to be alive, and yet in the richest countries, there is a growing sense of unease and helplessness because people no longer feel useful.

The 4 Traits That Put Kids at Risk for Addiction
by Maia Szalavitz (September 29, 2016), The New York Times

Early trials show that personality testing can identify 90 percent of the highest risk children, targeting risky traits before they cause problems.

Researchers Confront an Epidemic of Loneliness
by Katie Hafner (September 5, 2016), The New York Times

12 Ways to Combat Shyness When You Have ADHD
by Jacqueline Sinfield (posted July 22, 2016)

What Loneliness Is Doing to Your Heart
by Emily Gurnon (July 8, 2016), as featured on Next Avenue

The Cost of Shyness
by Bernardo Carducci and Philip G. Zimbardo
(published November 1, 1995—last reviewed June 9, 2016), Psychology Today

Harvard University Has A Bold Plan To Transform K-12 Education
by Rebecca Klein (March 8, 2016), as featured on The Huffington Post

Testing for Joy and Grit? Schools Nationwide Push to Measure Students’ Emotional Skills
by Kate Zernike (February 29, 2016), The New York Times

In a closely watched experiment, students in California are being tested on their social-emotional skills; the results will be used to rate schools.

Cyberworld creates sad and lonely children
by Lucy Bannerman (January 9 2016), The Times

Conquering shyness
by Shelley Wigglesworth (October 14, 2015), Seacoast Online (

“Classroom Intervention Helps Shy Kids Learn”
as featured on New York University’s website (September 22, 2014)

Power of Shyness Cover of Time
Click image to read article.

The Upside Of Being An Introvert (And Why Extroverts Are Overrated)
by Bryan Walsh, Time magazine cover article, “The Power of (shyness)” (February 6, 2012)

“Many public venues have discussed characteristics of shyness, and while they are done by well-meaning persons, they are by professionals who do not personally suffer from severe shyness, and they don’t seem to quite get it. A good example is the front cover article in a 2012 Time magazine.

The article is called “The Power of (shyness)” sic — the use of parenthesis in the title is perplexing, but it is chilling for the shy person to see the title because most of them are painfully aware they have little to no power. The image on the cover under the questionable title is of a small boy uneasily glancing outward, holding a mega horn by his side. Once shy readers read the article, it becomes even more uncomfortable for them to discover that it’s about professionals who chiefly discuss introverts, and that the shy boy on the cover with the mega horn doesn’t get to use it after all.”

~ excerpt from Helen’s Guide to Overcome Severe Shyness

Social Isolation: A Modern Plague
by Stephen Ilardi, PhD (July 13, 2009), Psychology Today

Social Isolation: Americans Have Fewer Close Confidants
Interview with Debbie Elliott [National Public Radio (NPR)host] and Lynn Smith-Lovin, NPR (June 24, 2006)

Gifted and Shy
by Lynne Henderson (2006)


Building Resilience in Young Children: Booklet for parents of children from birth to six years (English version)


Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow

Kenneth R. Ginsberg, MD FAAP, Building Resilience in Children and Teens: Giving Kids Roots and Wings

Lynne Henderson, Improving Social Confidence and Reducing Shyness Using Compassion Focused Therapy

Carl Jung, Psychological Types

Don Richard Riso, Enneagram Transformations

Helen Rivas-Rose, Brave: A Painfully Shy Life

Lenore Thomson, Personality Type: An Owner’s Manual, A Practical Guide to Understanding Yourself and Others Through Typology

Phil Zimbardo, Shyness: What It Is, What To Do About It


TED Talk featuring Susan Cain: The power of introverts (Published March 2, 2012)

Note: For full screen click on  You tube full screen  in lower right hand corner of video. This will appear once you hit the white play button.

Dr. Philip Zimbardo, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Stanford University, Stanford, CA, former President of the American Psychological Association, and co-founder of The Shyness Institute discusses the importance of Helen’s book, Brave: A Painfully Shy Life.

Shyness video Dr
Click image to view video.


TED Talk featuring Brian Little: Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality (filmed February 2016)

Note his emphasis on the importance of transcending our usual personality traits.


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